Lecturer & Consultant

Lecturer & Consultant

My vision is to help people/organization to reach their full potential in order to create an authentic added value to there ecosystem, Building a "culture that eats strategy for breakfast" in the words of Peter Drucker, in today terms - Lean + Agile + Scm + Data - concepts as a stepping stone for the value creating system • Experience of over 20 years of managing procurement, logistics, SCM, business, IT, import/export, marketing, operation, contract law, former entrepreneur • High level of written and verbal communication skills (Hebrew & English). • Passionate, creative & quick learner with values of respect, dignity, humble - equipped with a long term vision • Abilities of Engineering systematic procedures to control and excel performance. • Breathe and understand the hi tech market jungle, from raw materials to the ready to ship assembly machines. •technology oriented from the level of materials at the assembly lines - CNC, SMT, Electronic packaging, Injection molding to the level of data management - ERP, BI, CRM, MES, PDM, QMS, LMS, WMS, EDI, finance oriented - P&L, balance sheet, CFS, International payment terms

Guy Pery


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Hourly Price: $50.00

Duration: 2 Days