3 Expert(s)

J. Chris White

J. Chris White

United States (US)

0/5.0User review

J. Chris White has over 20 years working in the supply chain field. He has worked for government agencies and commercial companies, ranging from small to large. He has worked in a variety of industries, including Aerospace & Defense, Healthcare, Financial Services, City Government, and Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG). His specific expertise is the application

Dante Garcia | UPKAIZEN
Talha Tariq

Talha Tariq


0/5.0User review

A Corporate leader with a proven combination of Trouble shooting, Strategic innovation with Entrepreneurial execution and drive. Demonstrated strengths in enhancing value through focus on core competencies & business deliverables, customer focus and commitment to excellence. Exceptional proficiency in handling large teams of SMEs (Subject Matter Experts) & Core Supply Chain (Procurement & Logistics) Operations