local SEO into supply chain management
23 Jan

How to Incorporate Local SEO into Supply Chain Management

Most people today are active online, using computers and smartphones to search for services and goods nearby. That’s why local SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is critically important for any business operation, and Supply Chain Management is no exception.


If you are looking for ways to improve your supply chain management performance, e.g., by cutting costs and saving time, you must consider leveraging local SEO.


Where should you start, and what exactly should you do? This article focuses on the local SEO and supply chain management interconnections to help you understand.


What Is Supply Chain Management?


Supply chain management (SCM) is the management of resources, goods, and services involved in creating one specific product or service. 


The most interesting thing is that a business can have a separate and unique supply chain for each specific product or line of similar products. Therefore, the more products your company has, the more supply chains you and your management team will have to manage.


The main task in SCM is to find the most effective model for moving goods, transforming them into finished products, wand and then delivering them to the end consumers.


Tellingly, supply chain management is a science and art, constantly evolving and improving.


What Is Local SEO?


Local SEO is a specialized strategy that is part of search engine optimization. Local SEO helps achieve high rankings in search results for geo-dependent queries – where the city, region, or simply the user’s location is specified. 


On average, half of everything people search for in search engines are local queries. For example, in Google, their share is 56% of the total number of all requests.


Local SEO includes queries specifying region band formulations containing “near me,” “nearby,” “closest,” etc. When users turn to Google or Yahoo with a query of this nature, local companies appear in the top results.


Therefore, the fight for regional search results has become a priority for local businesses.


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Why Does Supply Chain Management Need Local SEO?


The success of Supply Chain Management depends on the ability to quickly and efficiently locate resources and services within a specific geographic area. A business will lose money if these resources and services are sourced from distant regions and locations. And vice versa, sourcing from nearby locations will save money and time.


Local SEO is about optimizing a business for regional/local operations, i.e., connecting with customers who look for goods and services in their vicinity.


These two, local SEO and SCM, depend upon each other to strive and grow long-term. 


Supply Chain Management that utilizes local SEO wins, as the latter helps it achieve its primary goal of finding resources and services at the minimum cost and time.


Local SEO helps Supply Chain Management at every stage:

  • Finding resources required for manufacturing efficiently;
  • Manufacturing products and goods with local labor involved;
  • Distributing goods and services to local customers.


The following chapters will review three core local SEO strategies and focus on how to boost these essential SCM processes in your business.


What is Supply Chain Management? A Technical and Academic Definition


Build Local Backlinks To Strengthen Your Supply Chain’s SEO 


Backlinks in SEO are like gunpowder in a cartridge—they propel your business success by directing traffic from local websites to your business or supply chain facility pages. 


What’s in it for you? Backlinks help to increase your business visibility in search engine results for local stakeholders:

  • customers;
  • partners;
  • and employees.


In the initial stage, to strengthen your supply chain’s local SEO, you’ll need to build backlinks manually. Aim to find a reliable and cheap backlink partner to help you.


Asia, for that token, offers affordable opportunities for building backlinks. Its cheap and capable workforce can be hired individually or as an established backlink service to deliver high-performing backlinks from Indian blogs and sites with verified trust and authority.


In particular, this is what you can do:

  • Write guest posts for local blogs. Partner with local stakeholders to create niche-specific marketing content for their platforms, where you can place backlinks toward your business.
  • Partner with local businesses. Partnerships will provide more mutual backlink opportunities. For example, you can offer your warehouse services in exchange for mentions of your business on their pages.
  • Leverage local directories. Help local customers find you and help search engines display your business in local queries by listing your pages in local directories.
  • Create sharable content. As a supply chain manager, you can create and share valuable resources, such as maps, how-to guides, and knowledge databases, with embedded links to your supply chain website.


If you want to be a master in supply chain management, enroll yourself in “Mastering Supply Chain Management – A Comprehensive Introduction” by Paul Denneman.


mastering supply chain management


Remember that modern search engines favor quality over quantity. If you avoid spammy tactics, target authoritative local resources, and prioritize contextual anchor text placement in your backlinks, your supply chain management will thrive.     


Optimize Google Business Profile For SCM


If you ask any marketing specialist what they think about Google Business Profile and its role in SEO, they’ll most likely tell you it’s paramount. Indeed, the success of SEO for local logistics rests on the efficient use of Google Business Profile (GBP).


What is GBP? It’s a free online tool provided by Google that allows business to manage their online presence. The two typical Google platforms affected are Google Maps and Google Search. 


GBP is essential for your supply chain. It helps boost your business’s visibility and connects clients, partners, and even employees. 


Here is what you can do to optimize your Google Business Profile for the benefit of your supply chain management:

  • Build the correct representation of your business in Google Maps. For that, select the proper categories, e.g., delivery services, logistics, warehouse management, or distribution services.
  • Optimize SCM descriptions. Provide a succinct and accurate description of your business to help stakeholders recognize your services. There are different ways to do this, but most importantly, your descriptions must be relevant and written in clear business language. 
  • Add high-quality photos. Visuals capture attention faster and more reliably than text. So, dedicate resources to take quality photos of your facilities, including people, to convey team spirit and show personality.
  • Include up-to-date location and contact information. Accurate contact and location information will help stakeholders find your services. Tip: Remember to include a map showing how to get to your facilities.


Finally, to tap into the GBP’s full potential, encourage visitor reviews. Your goal should be to incentivize your visitors to leave positive reviews and to help others by answering their questions.


Get The Attention And Trust Of The Local Talent:


For your supply chain management ecosystem to function at its peak, it needs to take advantage of the local labor resources. Local SEO has many hands-on tactics to help you succeed in this endeavor.


Crafting Local SEO-Optimized Career Pages


Guide your Human Resources (HR) personnel on how to create local SEO-friendly career pages. These are conventional career pages where HR staff advertises job openings in your company, though optimized with location-specific keywords and phrases.


Additionally, your company’s supply chain website should always include up-to-date contact information and encourage potential employees to seek opportunities within your company even when no active ones are open.


Running Social Media Campaigns For Recruitment


Social media has become the new medium for people to find what they need, including jobs. You can leverage this tendency by running local social media campaigns with your open job vacancies.


LinkedIn and Instagram are mighty for searching for local talents. Your business should always have an active representation in these networks. Who knows, maybe your warehouse lacks employees, or the company’s headquarters urgently needs to close a top-manager position?


Adequate local social media coverage can help with either of these needs and secure your business a firm name.


Online Reputation Management


You need to have a strong, positive online reputation for many reasons, one of which is talent sourcing. With an established positive reputation, your business becomes a magnet for employees searching for job offers where they live.


Online reputation management is a big part of local SEO. Here, your best strategies to interweave reputation management with SCM can be:

  • Manage and respond to employee feedback. Plenty of review websites focus on employers and employee relationships. There, you can proactively manage potential, current, and former employees’ feedback.
  • Strengthen your corporate culture’s online presence. Develop a dedicated brand mission, vision, and values and make them SEO-friendly, introducing relevant keywords, captivating titles, encouraging infographics, etc.
  • Address negative feedback. Specialized monitoring tools for online reputation, such as Brand24, Mention, or Google Alerts, can help you track and respond to negative and positive mentions of your brand.


Optimizing your reputation online with local resources and search results should become your long-term strategy. This will boost your business’s resilience and adaptability for years to come.


The Bottom Line


Local SEO blends naturally with Supply Chain Management for a reason – they both now operate in the digital domain, where online visibility becomes the key driver of success. A range of local SEO strategies can be effectively incorporated into SCM to boost its performance, including:

  • Backlink building strategy;
  • Google Business Profile strategy;
  • Local talent acquisition strategy.


The key is not the quantity (although it also matters) but the quality of backlinks, GBP, and local talent market representation. You’d be better off taking small, incremental steps to leverage local SEO, knowing that what you do will sustainably boost your business logistics.

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