13 Nov

3 Low Cost Inventory Management Software You Can Buy from Amazon

The success and failure of a business can be determined by the efficacy of the inventory management practices it employs. Certainly, poor inventory control can lead to cash flow problems or customer service issues. It is for this reason that few people have asked me on social media if I can recommend some low cost inventory management software.

In very simple terms the main goal of inventory management is high stock turns (low Days on Hand), ensuring low operating costs and greater customer satisfaction. Organizing and managing your entire inventory manually on spread sheets could be difficult task. However, with this low cost inventory management software listed below you can help you in stock management, and they are a lot easier and more efficient to use than complex & expensive ERP packages for small business.

Low Cost Inventory Management Software


1.      Inventory Management Professional Software & Inventory Control System (Windows PCs Only)


This low cost inventory management software lets you spend less of your valuable time on order management. This software allows you to easily create purchase orders for multiple products and limits the time spent on physical inventories which Improve accuracy. You can easily adjust inventory levels and stock values. One of its main features of this low cost inventory management software is the Powerful Searching which lets you Search through orders using customer first name, last name, order id, and even the product name.  The software also offers Email support which includes 1 user license. It has a 5-star rating on Amazon to make it one of the best low cost inventory management software


  • Multiple manage/administrator and employee/user rights Manage orders, purchasing
  • Supports Google Search Shopping API
  • Pull millions of items from the internet easily for storage, retrieval and categorizing with descriptions and pictures.
  • Easily track customer, vendor, item, payout and taxes details.
  • Easily track and transfer Stock receiving at multiple warehouses and locations


Product Details

  • Price: $49.95
  • Deployment: CD
  • Training Documentation available: yes
  • Support Online or Email: yes


/***customer review***/

By Leah on February 27, 2016 said “Program was easy to set up and use. I had no problems, I especially like how you can import everything using google so all your info is kinda done for you. Also its not online or monthly fee which I liked about the format of the program.”

2.      Inventoria Inventory Software (PC)


Inventoria is professional inventory stock management software that allows you to manage your entire inventory in one or several locations. This low cost inventory management software features a simple and easy to use user interface. Users can also combine Inventoria with HourGuard, Express Accounts, and Flexi Server to help manage their businesses. Inventoria Inventory Control Software Integrates seamlessly with Express Invoice (v 1.34 and later) to send out purchase orders to vendors and is compatible with Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8 / 10.



  • Monitor your stock levels with easy to create reports.
  • Set up a “Just in Time” inventory management controls.
  • Maintain your supplier database.
  • Group common items into categories for easy stock management.
  • Create purchase orders and email them directly to your vendors.
  • Have multiple users access the data via a web interface with just a single installation.
  • Restrict user access and powers (when used with web interface).
  • MAPI or SMTP email send settings include Secure Socket Layer (SSL).


Product Details

  • Price: $59.95
  • Deployment: CD and Web
  • Training Documentation available: yes
  • Support Online or telephone: yes


3.      Inventory control and management software for Windows, barcode ready. Stock-In


Stock-In is a low cost inventory management software that manages efficiently your products inventory. This low cost inventory management software is focused on the real needs in inventory control. If you do not have time to learn complicated application, this tool and would help you be productive in no time. It also Come with an Android 7” optimized tablet app with WI-FI syncing functionality for quick access and mobility. You can use any Android tablet with a barcode scanner to scan in/out and sync data with the software.



  • import and export data from Excel xls. and xlsx format.
  • Unlimited number of categories and products
  • Manage products size, colour and validity date
  • Built-in search engine to easily find your items, search by categories, SKU, keywords.
  • Built-in printing functionalities with Labels printing
  • Barcodes generator and can be used with any barcode scanner


Product Details

  • Price: $25.00
  • Deployment: CD
  • Training Documentation available: yes
  • Support Online or telephone: yes


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Recommended Software Packages for Small Business:

QuickBooks Desktop Pro 2017 Small Business Accounting Software [PC Disc]

Dragon NaturallySpeaking Premium 13.0, English

About the Author- Dr Muddassir Ahmed

Dr MuddassirAhmed is the Founder & CEO of SCMDOJO. He is a global speakervlogger and supply chain industry expert with 17 years of experience in the Manufacturing Industry in the UK, Europe, the Middle East and South East Asia in various Supply Chain leadership roles.  Dr. Muddassir has received a PhD in Management Science from Lancaster University Management School. Muddassir is a Six Sigma black belt and founded the leading supply chain platform SCMDOJO to enable supply chain professionals and teams to thrive by providing best-in-class knowledge content, tools and access to experts.

You can follow him on LinkedInFacebookTwitter or Instagram

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