Supply Chain Coach
22 Jan

Supply Chain Coach – 5 Reasons Why You Should Engage

In the early stages of my career and even now, I have tried to utilize every opportunity to interact with senior managers and learn from their experiences. And get hands-on support from them where possible and use them as my supply chain coach.

No matter whether your supply chain career is at the beginner’s level, a career change, executive, operational or senior management, you are the owner of your career’s future and ultimately responsible for its direction and success.

So what defines career coaching….

“Advice and counsel from more senior leaders, who are willing to share their insightful sharing of experiences and give you career guidance and growth tips”

This has helped me master my current role, better understand their way of thinking and use this knowledge to plan my career.

I Will Provide Career Coaching to Supply Chain Professionals

Here are some potential reasons why you should engage with a supply chain coach to achieve the career you really want:

1. Career Plan Not Fully Executed

It is superb that you have a career plan, but for some reason, you have not been able to execute it. Having a Supply Chain Coach can help you realize many more skills required to achieve your goals. If you are stuck and undecided about your next move, you have not clearly communicated your career plans to those who should be aware.

2. Having a Career Plan

Let’s face it, there are many career choices within the supply chain and logistics, and it can take time to find ‘where you fit and where your passion lies’. A Supply Chain Coach can guide you to making better decisions concerning your career.  The quicker you find what is best for your career, the faster you can develop and achieve your set goals. A career plan does not necessarily mean a corporate ladder to the top. It is simply a plan which shows how to achieve what you want from your career.

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3. Improving Your Competitiveness

You must be the complete package to succeed in your supply chain career. Getting a Supply Chain Coach to dress you for success, ready to capitalize on opportunities or further build your expertise, utilize your strengths and address your developmental areas is the way to go. This could mean having an excellent, effective, and suitable resume that is up to date due to your rapid expertise progression.

You should also try to engage a supply chain coach on technical supply chain topics to improve your supply chain competencies, learn about supply chain strategies and ask them which books to read!

Or book time with me by clicking the below button!

4. Learn to Operate Better

It is not just about technical expertise. How well do you know yourself? Awareness of your strengths is essential, especially areas that need development. How you view the world, work with others, make decisions and solve problems can all be improved with the help of a Supply Chain Coach. You are dealing with stress, gathering information, and approaching conflict all to directly impact your ability to operate better and achieve your set goals.

5. Understating Your Expertise

There are many supply chain and logistics skill sets that are required at expert levels to establish world-class operations. You will need at least some of these skills at an expert level to boost your career. But without identifying and understanding what they all are and the level of your expertise within each skill set, you are most likely underselling yourself when opportunities arise, thus the need of a Supply Chain Coach. Any gaps in expertise can be addressed by receiving quality Coaching.

What Do You Have to Do Next With Your Supply Chain Coach

First, identify your supply chain coach/mentor and then set up goals for the coaching/mentoring relationship. Identify specific areas that you would like help on, listen effectively, and accept feedback. Follow through on tasks, agreements, and commitment, and lastly, drive the relationship and show initiative.

In Summary

Having a Supply Chain Coach can help you understand yourself better, and identify your strengths, areas requiring further improvement and career types most suited to you. It is time to get seriously competitive and give your personal brand a large boost in the right direction. Let a Supply Chain Coach reignite the fire in you and get you the supply chain career you really want.

Leverage the expertise of your senior managers by extending their leadership style to develop others and build skills and competencies specifically

Recommended Reading Similar to Supply Chain Coach:

Career Coaching: An Insider’s Guide – Third Edition

Unlocking Potential: 7 Coaching Skills That Transform Individuals, Teams, and Organizations

What Color Is Your Parachute? 2017: A Practical Manual for Job-Hunters and Career-Changers

About the Author- Dr Muddassir Ahmed

Dr MuddassirAhmed is the Founder & CEO of SCMDOJO. He is a global speakervlogger and supply chain industry expert with 17 years of experience in the Manufacturing Industry in the UK, Europe, the Middle East and South East Asia in various Supply Chain leadership roles.  Dr. Muddassir has received a PhD in Management Science from Lancaster University Management School. Muddassir is a Six Sigma black belt and founded the leading supply chain platform SCMDOJO to enable supply chain professionals and teams to thrive by providing best-in-class knowledge content, tools and access to experts.

You can follow him on LinkedInFacebookTwitter or Instagram